Primary Care Resources for Adults on the Autism Spectrum and their Primary Care Providers
This web site has information and worksheets for adults on the autism spectrum, supporters, and healthcare providers. It focuses on primary healthcare, or healthcare with a regular doctor.
The resources on this site are meant to improve the healthcare of autistic adults. They were made by the Academic-Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE) through a series of research studies funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. AASPIRE hopes that you will find these resources helpful.
Make a Personalized Accommodations Report for your healthcare provider.
This section also has information on:
This section has information on:
- Autism Information, Diagnosis, and Referrals
- Caring for Patients on the Autism Spectrum
- Legal and Ethical Considerations
- Associated Conditions
- Resources and Links
Healthcare providers also might want share our Autism Healthcare Accommodations Tool, and other checklists and worksheets with their patients on the autism spectrum.