Staying Healthy
- What is this topic about?
- What counts as exercise?
- How often should I exercise?
- How do I pick exercises that are right for me?
- I don't like or can't do most exercises, what should I do?
- Someone else controls my daily schedule, how do I get exercise included?
- What changes in my body can I expect if I start exercising more?
- Do I need to change anything about my diet if I start exercising?
- How can I make sure I'm safe when I'm exercising?
- How do I know if I've hurt myself exercising and what might I do about it?
- Links
- What is this topic about?
- What kind of diet is healthy for me?
- How do I eat healthy on a budget?
- Tips for Using the Grocery Store
- Cooking is hard for me, what are some ideas to make it easier?
- How do I cook safely?
- Someone else makes my food, how can I make sure it's healthy?
- I don't like or can't eat most food, what should I do?
- Special Diets for People with Health Conditions
- Eating Disorders
- Links
- Where can I find specific details on individual foods or nutrients?
- How much water do I really need to drink?
- What should I do if I want to lose weight?
Preventative Care
- What is this topic about?
- How do I know when I need preventive care?
- How might I schedule preventive care?
- I have a hard time tolerating some types of preventive care, what might I do?
- I have a really hard time with blood draws, what might I do?
- What are some other ways I can minimize risks to my health?
- Links
- What is this topic about?
- What is recreation and why is it important?
- How do I pick recreational activities that are right for me?
- I can't afford the kind of recreation I like, what should I do?
- I need assistance with the kind of recreation I like, what should I do?
- Someone else controls my daily schedule, how can I get recreation included?
Personalized Accommodations Report
Create an individualized report of ways to improve your healthcare access to give to your healthcare provider.
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